2016년 4월 29일 금요일

The treatment for Inflammatory acne, "Spiculing-A"

The treatment for Inflammatory acne

moon_and_james-12The weather is getting hotter. When the temperature rises is also much sebum secretion is increased even worry about acne.

Continue to emerge acne!  Repeatedly arise after extrusion acne!

we recomend the Spiculing-A.

The spiculing-A  therapy is appropriate treatment for those who need a quick effective and rapid improvement in short time to be applied to inflammatory acne.

* Effective of therapy
1) Anti-inflammatory - natural spicule is penetrate to upper dermis layer.
Natural active substances produce for 72 hours.
2) P. acnes apoptotic
3) Inhibiting secretion of sebum
4) Keratin elimination

Spicule is a natural extract of the needle-shaped nano conversion. When it penetrate into the dermis, the acne bacteria to act for 72 hours will be the anti-inflammatory properties by apoptotic. Spicule are eliminated along with the dead skin after 72 hours.

If inflammatory acne treatment interval proceeds 3-5 times every two weeks. If the common acne and inflammatory acne partially generated which is proceeds in combination with acne treatment.
+82 2 3463 2400
Inquiries medical care : cnpyj1@cnpskin.com