According to aging, the overall function of the body will decrease gradually and weakened metabolism ambassador. Especially it will be lose the moisture to the skin, decrease the resilient and becoming a drab skin tone.
For beauty and healthy skin, it should focus on moisturizing, elasticity and wrinkles.
1. Anti-aging nutrients
vitamin A helps cell to produce
vitamin E preventing skin aging
Proteins and minerals to activate metabolism
It is recommended that you intake plenty food containing a natural moisturizing factor and antioxidants, collagen.
2. Anti-aging foods
Eggs : Component lecithin of egg yolk is excellent moisturizing and gloss.
Carrots : Beta-carotene, it is excellent antioxidant effect and prevent the formation of harmful oxygen. Also, it is contain a lot vitamin C and vitamin A.
Broccoli : It is exellent anti-aging, the contain of vitamin E is very high and contain of vitamin C is 8times than tomatoes.
Sweet pumpkin : It is foods help keep skin healthy due to abundance of vitamin E and beta- carotene.
3. Lifestyle for the preventing of aging
Use a sunscreen consistently
Ultraviolet light is the biggest cause of the aging, pay attention to apply the sunscreen when going out or during outdoor activities. We required protection against the strong ultraviolet radiation from 11:00am ~ to 2:00 pm.
Please pay attentionto moisturizer and nutrition.
It is worse the skin dry through moisture loss with increase age. Especially, natural moisturizing factor which is acts to keep the moisture contained in the stratum corneum. Also,moisture and oil of the skin is broken and becoming dry and rough.
Therefore, pay attention to skin care which is the high moisturizing, hydration and nutrition.
Blocking free radicals
Smoking is blocking the cell respiration and interferes with blood circulation.
Benzopyreneis is emitted to chemicals and destroy the vitam C.
Stress increases the free radical in the body, it leads to fatigue and damage to the skin cells.
Therefore, the oxygen being supplied through regularly and proper exercise it must block the free radicals.
It is less susceptible to radical when the body is good nutrition enviroment through a balanced intake of nutrients. However, when run out of anti-oxidants in the body, peroxide material becomes harmful effects in the body and it will be promote disease and aging.
Therefore, prevent oxidation caused due to external environment such as ultraviolet light, food, oxygen deficient, lack of exercise. It is the most prevention to aging healthy that is inhibit the generation of toxic oxygen through aerobic exercise.

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