Ulthera (By CNP SKIN LASER CLINIC YANGJAE, Dr. Park, Dr. Kwon, Dr. Kim)

Sagging cheek, drooping jaw, it is make that sag more and more as time by age and face line not smooth. As the skin aging process is sag down in the direction of gravity and based foundation of the skin is weakened to more sagging by aging process.

1. age of the menopause
In particular, women proceeds aging of the skin the rapid with menopause. Since the middle age, risk for women's wrinkles is about 2~4 times higher than men. The aging of the menopause decreases the amount of skin collagen by reduce estrogen in the menopause, while 5 years of menopause eliminating about 30% through collagen decreasing rate in the skin is very faster.

2.  thermal aging
Aging of the skin appears through thermal stimulation such as infrared rays by increases the skin temperature by solar beams or sunlight. Especially when exposed to high temperatures such as sun exposure, sauna, steam room, the skin aging process is accelerated by the temperature of the skin is increase. If get the heat stimulate to skin cell more than 41 degree.

3. UV aging
Which is exposed always to the sun such as face, neck, back of the hand, arm etc., aging that appear on the skin is more severe degree of aging that natural skin aging and beginning to appear aging early. Aging by ultraviolet light makes facial line and reduce the elasticity of the skin and leave pigmentation. Thus it can be prevented through use sunscreen and avoid sun exposure.

The face sagging, the original lifting laser Ulthera!

It is treat the dermis and facial layer by using high-intensity focused ultrasound at the same time, and it is effects that lifting the overall of sagging skin at once treatment only. It can possible the procedure without interfere to daily living after treatment does not showing up. It is also an attractive anti-aging program such as busy modern people.

In the case of the skin is thin or there are many fine lines, you can get the feeling that the skin is shrinking from after the procedure immediately. Typically, collagen and elastic fibers are continuous regeneration while 3~6 months appears skin elasticity and lifting.

It appear that the collagen production and firmer and indicates a lifting skin changes through generating heat coagulation area to the fiber fascia layer of 4.5mm depth and the dermis of 3mm.

Precaution after Ulthera
1. it is recommended to avoid that pressing hard on the skin for about a week
   after procedure such as massage.
2. it is encouraged to drinking and smoking refrain from as much as possible
   in about one week after the procedure.
3. attention the ultraviolet, it recommends using a UV blockers when going out.

+ 82 2 3463 2400
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 9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm ( Lunch : 13:00~13:30 pm) at saturday. 

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