2016년 5월 11일 수요일

acne scar treatment and management after laser

acne scar treatment and management after laser

Acne scar treatments create to small holes which  thousands of microscopic thermal treatment zone. A treatment method which diffusing the heat through to the laser energy zone it is induce regeneration of the skin.

In Cnp skin clinic Yangjae apply S-DRT dermal regeneration for acne scars.
The redness and scab is normally skin reaction after the treatment.
Depending on the method and the laser scar depth is sometimes occured ozzing and blood.
Let's look at how to facilitate regeneration after acne scars treatment and precautions.

Skin reactions after treatment and precautions

Day treatment : redness, ozzing

As the multi-hole of the skin it is formed vasodilation and redness that is response to normal wound, and occured ozzing due to transfer of regeneration material.


Tip ! : regeneration management, repair ointment, regeneration tape, moisturizing

Day 1: redness, scab

The scab is formed after the laser through appeared blood and ozzing when exposured to air dry. If you apply the tape regeneration it will not occur scab, manage regeneration tape. After occur scab must be take off naturally. Sometimes, the scab could be take off artificially when washing due to strong friction, it occur a fine scratch because disapear the scab as acting a skin barrier and then increase sensitivity of the skin.

Tip ! apply regeneration ointment and management of scab, the key point is moisturizing

After treatment, the skin will dry for a while regeneration due to moisture lost by occured small holes. The scab is create a more thick scab in order to prevent water loss.
Therefore, it is important that a moisturizer after the treatment. Moisturizers blocks to the water loss of the skin on behalf of skin barrier function, it helps to make which take off  the scab normally.

2-3 days: the redness attemper a little, began to take off the scab 

Tip ! : sunblock, moisturizing

The scab away area can be sensitive to UV, take care to apply sunblock.
It should be maintained that applying moisturizer due to make regeneration of the skin can be achieved in a healthy environment.

Day 5-7: A slight redness, disappearance scab

T he scab has almost disappeared, at this point the applied sunscreen is the most important step. The blood vessels in the regeneration process was extended and again returned to the original state through this process the redness is disappear. So, to being kept redness after treatment is that means regenerating of the skin.

Tip! sunblock.

Other suggestions to help regeneration

1. Vitamin C [acerola, guava, kiwi, orange] : An essential part of collagen synthesis
2. Vitamin E  [almonds, peanuts, eel]  : Preventing the cell damage and cell membrane
3. Zinc [oysters, sea squirts, pork live] : Promote hyperplasia of the epidermis and
4. Smoking prohibited : smoking is to contract the blood vessel to reduce the blood flow, the delay of oxygen and regeneration mass transfer

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Inquiries medical care : cnpyj1@cnpskin.com