2016년 9월 18일 일요일

regeneration management after laser treatment(By CNP SKIN LASER CLINIC YANGJAE, Dr. Park, Dr. Kwon, Dr. Kim)

The skin may become dry temporarily after treatment because oil-moisture balance is broken by an imbalance of the surface of the skin barrier. At this time if it is not proper care, can occur side effects such as scab, pigmentation.
It will gide the calm down & reproduction management program which is increasing the laser treatment effects and increasing resilience of the skin.

In the case of scar treatment

  • program : for regeneration

  • Applies to :  customers who need to regeneration fast bu laser treatment reactions such as scabs and redness 

  • program description and effect
The tiny hole in the skin caused by the laser, and according to if it has been lost skin barrier it is required the skin barrier formation due to block the moisture loss and promote regeneration by primarily recycling materials. What an influencing the regeneration element that age, stress, smoking, alcohol, ultraviolet etc., it has having a more significant effect on the skin recovery since 30s when is reduced cell regeneration, and will slow down recovery time also.
Therefore, the recovery program is helping the regeneration of damaged skin after laser treatment and forming a barrier of the skin to create an environment which skin can be a reproducing quickly. And a program to minimize side effects and it is promote the improvement of the skin.

process of treatment

In the case of pigment treatment

  • program : whitening soothing program
  • Applies to : customers who concerns that pigmentation after laser treatment which reactions occurring scab such as pigments, blemished.

  • program description and effect

In the case of blemished and pigmented, it is indicates the laser treatment effect by targeting the melanin. the case which laser is being formed scab in reactions of pigments laser, it is important to use sunscreen when took off scab because sensitive to ultraviolet light. If it is disposition of the skin that produces a lot pigments, to pay attention intensively for prevention of side effects and precautions after laser.
Whitening programs which is improve pigmentation and reduce the coloring caused by ultraviolet ray is infiltrated a number of active ingredients by using currents into the skin and effective program on the regeneration and resilient.
The program will help to absorb the active ingredient after took off scab. 

process of treatment

In the case of skin scaling

  • program : management after peeling
  • applies to : skin dry, red after treatment such as claro peeling, spiculing, peeling etc.

  • Program description and effect

Chemical or physical peeling is effect that brighten skin tone through remove excess keratin and sebum, improving skin texture, and improve acne symptoms in the case of acne skin. In the process, it can cause redness that irritation of the skin reaction and become skin dry through the skin barrier as a temporary injury while increasing skin moisture loss. Therefore, it is important to avoid dry skin through form a film of the skin moisture and calm down redness quickly after peeling.

In the case of reduced the self-regeneration ability through treatment or therapy, and increased sensitivity of the skin it is rejuran healer programs help for increase the ability to regeneration itself.

+ 82 2 3463 2400
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