It is often the case that you remove a mole/spots with a decision procedure to give a change of impression. Nowadays, there are many people who do the redove mole/spots, regeneration tapes are similar to skin color, without ever hindering everyday life often it is do on weekdays.
In general, when you remove a mole/dots/spots, you should plan to completely remove mole.
The mole/spor/dots/point that visible on the skin and in addition due to there is a pigment in the skin like a root, the part protruding above the skin is removed with a laser and removed again through reoperation.
Q: Isn't it possible you remove your mole at once?
If you remove the mole in the your skin at once, there is a risk of scarring. so the procedure will be done by cutting the protruding part exactly like the skin boundary line.
Mole is the most common dermatologic procedure, most importantly we will show you how to use the regeneration tape after removing the mole.
Immediately after the procedure apply the regeneration tape which simiar skin color. Regeneration tape that absorb the oozing from the spot removed and create environments to help skin regenerate. It is managed by reattach it for 5-7 days after the mole procedure.
On the first day after the procedure, sometimes even if you attach regeneration tape on it, it may took off due to there was a lot of blood and oozing. If this is the case, please attach regeneration tape bigger than operation area. It can prevent falling because the absorption space is wider.
After 1-2 days, there is a lot of blood and it is amazing.
If this happens, do not panic, if the tape falls off due to blood flow out of the tape remove the oozing and blood the area around the procedure using a cotton swab, and you can attach the tape again.
Also, the tape turns white and swell up. Sometimes there is mis understand that this area is occur inflammation, you may be using a disinfectant.
Do not use disinfectant!!
How do clean my skin with a tape attached?
Just wash your face with tape.
It is important to keep the tape during regeneration.
there are two kinds of tapes.
a circular tape that can be easily attached if the size of the spot size is small, it is convenient to use a tape that can be attached to a point. It is good to apply for small mole, milliums, etc..
The square-shaped tape need to be cut with scissors and used, if the size of the spot is large or there is a lot of oozing, it can be small tape will fall well. Therefore, square tape is suitable to cut according to the amount of oozing.
After 3 days after the procedure, it is ok to put the tape small because the amount of oozing is diminish.
If the regeneration tape is fixed well, it replace and attach at intervals of 1~2 days. If there is little or no amounf of oozing with tape, it is time to remove the tape. This point will be between 5~7 days after the procedure.
When removing the tape, you must use sunscreen because the wound area may be sensitive to ultraviolet rays.
The time of re-operation is 1~2 months after the procedure.
The use of a regeneration tape on the wound site, it is excellent reproduction effect rather than regular regeneration.
Keeping the sunscreen after the tape care and removal of the tape can help you recover without side effect.

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