2016년 6월 19일 일요일

the contagious of flat wart(verruca plana) By CNP SKIN LASER CLINIC YANGJAE, Dr.Park, Dr.Kwon, Dr.Kim

No mole! No acne!  the contagious of flat wart(verruca plana)

When suddenly began that occurs which looks nevus. But I think that just nevus.

As time passes it is bigger and became darker and increased in the number.
After all, diagnosis is flat wart(verruca plana)

Flat wart(verruca plana)

* What is the flat wart(verruca plana)?
flat wart is the small size of about 2~5mm. Becouse Initially it looks a slight reddish color, people did not worry seriously. As time passes, it is more darker often mistaken for pigmentation.
No mole! No pigmentation!

Flat wart(verruca plana) ! 

Sometimes, there is some case that occured flat wart(verruca plana) with itch at this time could be mistaken for dermatitis.
Also it could be mistaken for comedon acne.
Wound is must be careful because it accelerates the infection of flat warts.

Flat warts is as viral and has a characteristic that occurs in the epithelial. If the immune system is lowered which is a viral skin disease that can occur anyone.
The most frequent location is the face, neck, abdomen, back of the hand, especially near the eyebrow, near the hairline.
Initially can be recognized in 10-30. But the flat wart(verruca plana) is associated with the immune system. If the spread has occurred range becomes wider.
Therefore, this initial response is important.
Thus, it is important to receive proper treatment in early through early diagnosis and adequate treatment and counseling.

Anesthetic ointment - Operation - Regeneration tape
Flat warts are often allowed to stand due to looks similar to acne and sebum. As well as you are, infants which has weak immunity could be contagious. We recommend early treatment through dermatologists and counseling.

+ 82 2 3463 2400
Inquiries medical care : cnpyj1@cnpskin.com

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 9:00 am ~ 5:00 pm ( Lunch : 13:00~13:30 pm) at saturday. 

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